Semana Santa (Holy Week - the week before Easter) is a big deal around here! Most schools have the whole week off and professionals usually get at least Thursday and Friday off. The Catholic church practices many traditions throughout the week including pilgrimages, prayer and scripture reading gatherings, putting crosses with purple sashes on front porches, and even an occasional burning of dummies that portray Judas Iscariot the trader. It's quite an experience! Despite the fun and crazy traditions, Easter week is such an incredible time to look back and reflect upon the miracle of Jesus' resurrection! He is risen!!!
At the office here, we got Thursday and Friday off of work, so the interns and I decided to take advantage! Josh's girlfriend was in town for the week and really wanted to visit Tuis, the small town where we had language school. So we all decided to take the trip!
Unfortunately, the whole country pretty much shuts down at the end of the week, so finding bus transportation to the other side of the country was a bit of a challenge. There were no buses leaving our small city, but we discovered that there would be a few buses passing through from the next town on their way to San Jose. We decided to take advantage of this opportunity and planned to be waiting at the bus stop in town by 620am. We figured that the 6am bus wouldn't arrive to Atenas until about 640am... but due to the light traffic during the early holiday
morning, the bus drove through at 625am... leaving us behind because I was in a taxi behind the bus and Brad had yet to arrive! It was a tragic event, but we kept our optimism as we hoped and prayed for another opportunity. Two other buses flew past us... as we were obviously not displaying the proper bus-seeking posture. But about 15 minutes later a nearly empty bus heading to San Jose had mercy on us! 

Once in San Jose we immediately took a taxi across town to buy tickets for the bus to Turrialba. The station was packed, but we successfully bought tickets for the 9am bus and headed across the street to grab some breakfast! We arrived to Turrialba at 1040am and decided to hang out in the city for a little while and try our luck at catching the last bus out of town at 1pm. Unfortunately, we didn't get to do much in the city, because almost everything was already closed down for the holiday! We did however find a little cafe to get a snack and took some silly pictures in the p
ark! Around 1230 we got in line for the bus... and good thing too because there were so many people trying to get on the same bus, and if we missed the bus... we didn't really know what we would do! Anyways, we caught the bus and ended up cramming everyone into the bus! It was a good thing that we were toward the front of the line so that we got a seat because we had our large backpacks with us too!

It felt really good to be back in Tuis... yet a bit surreal at the same time! Steph and I stayed with Samia and Freddy (Steph's host family during language school) and Brad and Josh (& Jennie) stayed with their respective host families. I didn't stay with my previous host family because they had some family in town for the holiday and Steph and I thought it would be more fun to be together! Also, staying with Samia and Freddy is awesome because they live right by the soccer field and Samia is an awesome cook!

The weekend was really chill. We just hang out, ate lots of delicious food, playing soccer, walked around, visited friends, watched some movies, enjoyed life! On Friday night, the mission had a small church service with worship and communion which was awesome! Saturday morning Samia invited some guys over for breakfast and we ate like royalty and then we all went on a gorgeous hike!

But the highlight of the weekend was Sunday! For the Easter service, the mission held a baptism service in the park! They had planned on doing the baptisms in a pool at the park... but when they arrived on Sunday morning it was empty and there wasn't enough time to fill it! So instead, the guys made a path down to the river and created a little pit in the river in which to do the baptisms. The service was so gorgeous! All of the church members gathered around to witness
several people publicly proclaim their faith in Christ! Everyone sang this beautiful hymn throughout the whole thing and some young girls dressed in white threw colorful flowers over each person as they were dunked into the river. So cool! It was especially cool because our own Brad (one of the interns here) got baptised too!
Unfortunately, right after the baptism service we had to hit the road and head back to Atenas. After 3 buses, one taxi, and about 4 hours later we were back! We had an incredible time and it was great to get away for a few days and visit friends!