Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I graduated! Time to grow up? ...nah!

On December 21st I officially graduated from the University of Colorado! I have my bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering and passed my CRAZY 8-hr exam so I am now considered an 'Engineer in Training'. Let the training begin!

Thank you to all of you for your love and encouragement over the last few years! You really made a huge difference in my life and helped me to survive college!


StephDodge_AllForLove said...

I love you my fellow traveling companion!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ali,

So great to hear from you! Congratulations engineer! ( Felicitaciones a la nueva ingieniera)

In high school a teacher used to say that most of us would never grew up, that we would be the very same person as we were then. In my case she was right, I am the same child I used to be in high school.