Monday, July 21, 2008

Final Thoughts

I returned home to beautiful Colorado on Friday, July 11th. It's hard to believe that this experience has already come to an end! It's amazing how fast time flies. Before leaving Costa Rica, I was required to complete a large packet of debriefing questions. I wasn't too excited about it, but at the end, it turned out to be a great way of reflecting on my experience and recognizing all of the ways that the Lord has changed me and grown me. Here are a few highlights and conclusions from the debrief.

Dominant Themes that God is revealing through my time in Costa Rica:

*God is BIG and Faithful
-He cares about the big and small issues, loves me more than I could ever comprehend, and loves everyone else more and better than I ever could.

*Following Christ (being His disciple) is a serious commitment
-It requires effort, time, discipline, and serious lifestyle changes (against the norm)

*Following Chirst (being His disciple) is a group effort
-I can't run the race on my own, I need a mentor in my life to challenge & encourage me, and I need to be pouring into others.

*Family is important, a gift from God
-I have a great (Christian) family and I cannot take that for granted. My family should be considered in ALL big life dicisions, and I should rely on them for fellowship, encouragement, prayer, counsel, love, friendship, and accountability.

*Kids (& old people) are a gift from God
-Life is so much richer when it is lived close to people of ALL generations!

Practical Next steps for following through on what God has shown me:

*Commit to daily morning quiet times
*Commit to finding a Godly female mentor
*Commit to purity & righteousness in all relationships
*Commit to making family a priority
*Commit to finding a place to volunteer my time
*Commit to being plugged into a church and involved in a small group

It is absolutely amazing to look back and testify to all that the Lord has done in and through me during my internship in Costa Rica. Thank you to everyone for your love and support and encouragement! I hope and pray that all of these lessons and convictions from God will have a significant and lasting effect on my life. God Bless!

"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his peole and continue to help them. We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure. We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised." (Hebrews 6:10-12)

1 comment:

Laura S said...

Ah, those practical next steps seem so simple but definitely tough things to commit to in everyday life. Lots of prayer will probably be the key.

Thanks for the enjoyable blog :)

(and congrats on the new nephew!!!)