Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Family First

It's funny how life changes you... For as long as I can remember, small kids have always somewhat intimidated me, and I can never remember having a strong desire to ever have kids of my own. When my boss here in Costa Rica told me that I would be living with a 2 year old kid, I was a little nervous to say the least. But the Lord really does have a sense of humor sometimes. There have been some rough times with my small host family brother, but we have really grown close over the last several months. When I return home after work I am often greeted with jumps of excitement and a wet kiss on the cheek. We then spend the next hour or so running around the house, chasing each other or playing with toy cars and imaginary chickens. He really exhausts me at times, but he's such a joy!

Here in Costa Rica there are several things about the culture that really contrast that of the States, one of which is the importance of family! Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but the States as a culture really emphasize the importance of individuality and independence. It's very easy, once in that mindset, to take one's family for granted.... which is precisely what I have done.

Another big recent change has to do with travel plans. At the start of this internship in Costa Rica, I was 100% set on taking some time (maybe up to a few months) to travel around Latin America. What better time, right? Before getting sucked into the commitments of work, life, possibly a family some day. What could be better than seeing more of the world, learning about different cultures, and making new friends?

In November my brother and sister-in-law found out that they were going to have a baby! This news was quite a shock to me... and based on previously mentioned views about kids in general... I wasn't sure how to feel! I just kinda brushed it off and went on with MY life and MY plans.

I don't want to get lost in the silly culture of the States anymore! I don't want to take my wonderful family for granted! I want to enjoy them and love them and grow with them! I want to enjoy the good times, the ugly times, the funny times, and the crazy times. I am so excited to be an aunt!

All of these new feelings and outlooks on life have lead me to a very difficult decision. My new niece or nephew is due to be born on July 23rd. My internship is scheduled to end on July 11th, just in time to get home to see my VERY pregnant sister-in-law and witness the first days of life for my niece/nephew.

I honestly don't know what I was thinking! I can't believe that I was planning on traveling instead of being with my family during this incredible and exciting time! I just hope that I make it in time and don't miss out on this beautiful time for my bro Jason, his wife Kendra, and my soon-to-be-grandparent parents.

I love you guys and hope you will forgive me for not sooner realizing the blessing that you are in my life! XOXOXO


Anonymous said...

Ali, We are so excited to hear that you have made your return date. We can't wait to see and hug you. You are so precious to us. Yes, the Lord does have a great sense of humor and perfect timing!
Enjoy every minute you have left with you sweet host family, co-workers and other friends. They will be life long friends and part of you forever.
All our love, Mom and Dad

litespeed said...

It's awesome to see God working in your life. I would have supported you either way, but I am excited that you will be coming home sooner to meet baby. I know that you're going to be a wonderful aunt and I'm excited to see your auntie skills in action. Love you!!!

kendra said...

Sister! You are so sweet. I love you and am so excited for you to come meet baby!